So it all started with my friends Heather and Rachel. (Insert pictures here-taken quite awhile ago so I have improved;)
Heather doesn't look like it(the blonde) but she was a wrestler and invited Rachel and I to a show. Rachel said, "Oh there are going to be a lot of hot guys there!" To which I replied, "Ummm...yeah not so much probably, I am thinking there will be some hillbillies" Lo and behold I was right ;)
From across the room though I did see this guy, and thought "That dude totally looks like the guy from Weezer"
Just kidding, he hates that but it's true-sorry baby! Ok so for reals I thought, "That guy is really cute" so I told Rachel I would have his number by the end of the night. Then he started heckling the wrestlers. I thought it was really annoying at first (I would later find out a lot of people just went to see him and his friends cause they are hilarious) until a wrestler named "The Regulator" came out and he yelled, "The regulator needs to regulate his carbs" That sold me-how romantic. He was also annoyed with me that night because they started the "wave" and we did not we were even.
So anyways, I had Heather go ask him if he was interested and he told me when she asked he replied, "That redhead oh yeah I am interested." Numbers were given.
Now I had my beautiful Blaze already and I had told Heather not to tell him yet cause I wanted to tell him myself when I first talked to him. So the next night he called me and the first thing he said was, "So I hear you have a son, thats awesome" Lol Heather had already told him before I asked her not to and didn't know what to say to me. No biggie though. That phone conversation lasted for hours and was honestly the best conversation in my life. Though he did scare me a bit beacause he kept asking if I was sure I got a good look at him, weirdo;) We had so many things in common...a favorite chip(Pizzerias which most people won't remember but they were awesome), we had our moms fix us the same meal every year for our bday(stroganoff), and a the same favorite episode of Punky Brewster(random I know).
We had our first date which was perfect, and I was on vacation the day after that with my friends. I spent the whole vacation on the phone with him.
I waited three months before he met my son because that was the most important person in the world to me and I never introduced him to just anyone. My son was really shy but took a liking to James immediately. I was already in love with him but the way my son bonded with him (he was almost 2) just made me fall even more in love...and to this day it makes my love even deeper. They are best friends and so like each other you could never tell the difference. Blaze always calls him his best buddy and does everything he loves. It is scary how similar they are. He is the only father Blaze has known (long story but I am sure James is always the person God had in mind as Blaze's father) James often says that somehow he really is his, and I believe it.
So there it is the story of Bobbi and James...and Blaze. We added Keaton a little over a year ago and I really feel our family is complete.
You think that you love someone as much a you can but it can always go deeper, and there are still little things that happen to make you go, "Man I really love that guy" It is a great feeling to know that our love will only grow.
Happy Anniversary baby!! (Wedding photo by the amazing Stephanie Carson)
what an amazing story and an amazing man for loving you and YOUR SON that's so awesome! brings tears to my eyes!!!!!!!
beautiful famiLY!
Well, I can't say I was bored, but I couldn't turn down a good love story. I wish you two the very best in the future!
I loved reading your post! What an awesome story! It's amazing how some things are just meant to be!! What a lucky gal you are!
Well I totally enjoyed the story and the photos! And sorry, James, but you do look like the guy from Weezer. But better looking!
Your story gave me CHILLS. I just love it. Your photos are amazing...he is one handsome guy for sure. And your wedding photo is just a treasure.
Awwww! I loved your story! It made me smile! :)
And OMG I swear we are long lost twins or something, with all of our similarities that keep popping up- Pizzerias?! YUM- my most favoritest snack of all time (when I used to be able to FIND them, that is!).
Awww...what a great little love story! I'm glad that I was bored so I could read it ;)
Love your pictures and what a great story. Your little boys are so cute!
Was not bored and found your story very sweet. Love the wedding shot.
What a wonderful story, I loved how you did this. Happy Anniversary!!! All four of you make a beautiful family!
How sweet! Thanks for sharing your story! And wonderful photos as well!
Very cool shots and he DOES look just like him!
Such a great story Bobbie!! Thanks for sharing with us!! Your dh sounds like a great guy, wonderful father. And you are right our love can only grow deeper. Its amazing to see a grown man interacting with a child. :)
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