Two things that really made me so proud that Blaze is my son yesterday.
#1- Blaze wakes up yesterday morning and walks into our room. He taps me on the shoulder. "Mom I have just been rocking in my bed all morning!" Me: "What does that mean?" Blaze, singing:" Never gonna give you up, never gonna make you cry" Rick Astley reference!
#2- We went over to my moms house and she let him open a gift early. It was a childrens bible. He was so excited by this. He told everyone to gather around while he "Read the word of God". He started to read the story of the tower of Babel where a tower was being built by the people so everyone would know how great they were. My mom asked Blaze halfway through why God would be upset by this and he said, "Cause they weren't thinking of God anymore and praising him they were only thinking of themselves and God is the greatest."
The year is almost over so I am going to start posting some of my favorite pictures throughout the year. WIth this post I will start with some of Blazes.
Normal goofball behavior:

Looking way too old for his age:

Playing in the snow:

So innocent:

Lost his first teeth (2 at once)

A boy and his Bobba:

He smiles!

A glimpse into the future:

Just turned six :(

Total Blaziness:

My little Kirk:

Crazy Boy:

My favorite shot of Blaze of the year-Even Superheroes have moms:

P.S- Happy bday to my moms-best mom in the world!