This post is just going to be a mess of randomness.
1st randomness- if you leave a man alone in the kitchen for five minutes he will start making Fruit Loop Treats a la Rice Crispie style. Nastiness.

2nd randomness- Isn't my new logo I made adorable? I don't think I will use it much to watermark pictures unless I do one with my name in white too. But I used it on my website and I like it a lot.
3rd randomness- When I was younger and a vegetarian I had a dream that a giant piece of bologna was chasing me down the street. He had big blue shoes. True story. Sadly I have no pictures to support this randomness.
4th randomness- James got me some stuff for Mothers Day to take my flash off camera. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with it. Here are a few attempts. The ones outside looks really flashy to me but I can't wait to play more.
"Angry Face Won't Look at the Camera" James

But it is random that this picture is a different size than all the other ones.
5th randomness- Blaze is an awesome photobomber.

6th randomness- I am not a Trekkie but seriously the new Star Trek movie is awesome. I have seen it twice and can't wait to go again.