And then while I was switching out backdrops he did this, and I completely forgave him.

And he let me do this.

And grab my macro and do this, so he was winning me completely over again.

And then he let me do this and I was in love.

After this one though I think it is safe to say he might be my favorite baby ever.

What a doll!
LOL So sweet! Wonderful captures!
Oh my gosh---awake or asleep, he is ADORABLE!!!
OK, can I just tell you that I was audibly sighing and it is NOT helping my cause in deciding if we should have a third. SO CUTE! Love the shot with the macro lens too ... I am going to pushed over the edge to buy a macro pretty soon I think.
oh so cute. that is a tough age! he looks like a big ole newborn. so sweet!
Oh my gosh these are wonderful! What a sweetie!!
What amazing lashes....so adorable. I just love all of the posses you have captured.
oh too cute. I wish more of my littleones I take pics of would fall asleep!!
Oh gosh those are so sweet!! What a beautiful little guy!! Love the sleeping ones!!
These came out so nice. He is such a cutie.
He IS adorable!! What a sweetheart!
There are no words for how bad he makes me ache for just one more!! He is so precious, and you did a great job capturing his sweetness. And now I must go back and look at all of the trouble Josh has gotten into, and crimes he has committed, to try and talk myself out of "just one more".
I am still ooo-ing a aww-ing at those adorable pictures. What a cutie!
Ok, that is the cutest little guy ever! How SWEET!
What a precious little baby, beautiful shots! He is downright adorable, I just want to give him a big hug! :)
Oh my word, Bobbi, these are utterly fantastic! Wow!!!
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