I cannot believe you are four (closer to five now). Soon you will be off to school and I don't even want to think about that. For now I will keep referring to you as my baby.
Because of your older brother I know some of the precious things I love so much about you have a limited time left. Like saying things wrong such as "My hams" which is clearly "My hands". Smiling at us while saying, "I make a smile face at you." The waking up every morning and whispering "You are my best mommy alive ever." Or the way you blow kisses and make me "Catch them and put them in your pocket for later!" Lately you have been throwing hugs too which I really think could catch on. I will miss when those stop being every day sayings and doings.
You are such a funny, sweet boy and every day you grow better.

Your best mommy alive ever