Sometimes I just need the energy that only Starbucks can provide....especially now as I try to update my site with more recent pictures.
Have I ever mentioned how happy Cake makes me...the band not the food...well the food too. Anyway Cake rocks-just sayin!
haha. that's awesome..those look so yummy.
Yum-o! Fun shot!
I don't know. But I'm disappointed now because I have boring chicken and vegetables cooking for dinner--but I want what you had!
Well, you did take a bite of that cookie first. ;)
Great shot. What a delicious combo. Not to mention this shot rocks. You should shoot commercials for Starbucks because you sold me.
yummy!! Starbucks always makes everything better!
Oh that makes my want that! I have never had Starbucks:( I would totally eat that for dinner. I like the added texture
Umm, yeah. Totally awesome. In fact I was sitting here thinking how good a blizzard would be for dinner. NOT good on the diet though, blah!
Whoa, you make it look so appetizing!! I see a major caffeine rush going on here.
That looks like a normal supper for me. Sometimes I absolutely HAVE to have Pioneer woman's stuffed jalapenos for supper, ok, so its at least once a week, and I'm so ok with that, lol.
Great shot. To bad it is 8pm or I would so be making a Starbucks run. Now you got me craving one. I eat Doritos for breakfast and call it breakfast of champions.
Looks like a perfect meal to me! I love the processing you did and the way you composed this.
Looks yummy. I love your pping.
OH YEA BABY...the dinner of choice here too:)
I forgot to say...thank you for my award:) I am flattered that you would think my everyday shots are interesting enough to enjoy. You're a sweetie!
You definitely get the award for the yummiest dinner! Great shot, love the composition and pp'ing!
Now I want Starbucks.
Maybe abnormal, but it's an awesome picture! Send it to them!!!
Ah you went without me.
Anywho, I'll forgive it as long as Rincon is on our "to-do" list for later this week.
Neato pic.
Looks like a good, healthy dinner to me! *shrug*
this photo looks good enough to eat
Been there and done that. Funny how you'll shot first then eat/drink the good stuff next!! LOL. Great shot. Love the colors and textures... awesome :)
LOL,, I love this! This is EXACTLY what I want for dinner to! Yummy!!
Oh Yummy, I love how you took a bite first, the texture looks really cool on this photo!
uhhhm, I think I need to go for a drive now. there goes my diet!! LOL
It looks really delicious!
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