Blaze is such a non-smiler for the camera these days (another reason I like outside better, it isn't so obvious I am taking his picture) Don't be fooled by the pictures though, this kid is a crack-up.
My two latest Blaze quotes.
Me: What sounds good for dinner?
Blaze: I dunno
Me: I want a really good hamburger.
Blaze: Yeah! Too bad we don't have the amazing slider machine. The burgers will be done in just two minutes, and you can double or triple stack them!
Gotta love infomercials, he also told me that the Snuggie won't slip and slide like regular blankets. That's my boy.
Our neighborhood electric was out last week too and he informed me that, "God's lights are always on for everyone". That is also my boy.
Aren't his eyes almost a perfect match for this Chestnut paper?
I gotta tiny smile out of the little guy.
The third one melts my heart! He is such a handsome 6 yr old :)
I LOVE the things he comes up with. For such a young one, he is a deep thinker. His eyes do look fab with that background color.
You know, have I seen you smile or is it just a smirk? ;)
That chesnut color looks amazing with his eyes, wow!
You're right about the chestnut paper. He's a real cutie, I love that last one!
He's so cute! It's amazing what they retain from TV.
Have I mentioned how adorable I think your boys are???
Awww, so handsome and love the stories.
so true that his eyes look amazing with the background! Cute boy!
What's not to love - he is one cutie - such beautiful eyes and smile!
God lights are always on what a sweet boy. I like the little smile you got out of him.
That color IS great with his eyes! I love the comments he makes, my kids used to quote infomercials, too.
He is so sweet and I just love his comments. :) His eyes are a perfect match to the paper too.
p.s. I didn't add any texture to the tractor bits, I don't know how! LOL!
What beautiful eyes - you are right, the chestnut paper is perfect for them. My kids now cover their faces when I bring the camera up, so I think you are lucky he still looks into the camera!
Blazey, Blazey, Blazey... Oh, how I love that child! I swear he and my Austin are the same person, the way you describe him. Wise beyond their years for sure.
And FWIW, I think you ROCK the studio lighting! ;)
i see so much of you in him when he smiles! great shots! cant wait for my stand and chestnut to show up! Love the quotes too. Todd sometimes puts his robe on backwards and says 'see my snugli' (or whatever its called) its a running joke in this house!
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