Despite the worst movie experience of my life (feel free to skip rant) I had a great time with my hubby and friends- I am not much of a horror movie fan. I used to like them before my kids but now they kinda freak me out cause there are a lot of crazies out there. Never the less my husband and my friends fiancee "had" to see the new Friday the 13th movie ( So we went to a midnight showing since the others were sold out. Ok, seriously who takes their 8 year old kids to a midnight showing of a rated R horror movie?? There were three 8 year old girls sitting in front of us no joke, and several other kids in the theater. And the movie was so graphic, not just the death scenes (some of which I had to turn my head from) but the ummm down and dirty scenes shall we say were very,very graphic as well. It was really making me so mad that someone would take kids to see this, and when a scene came up w/ some drug use the kids were chanting the name of the drugs. Sometimes society just dumbfounds me, come on parents be responsible. On top of that nobody would be quiet, everyone talked throughout the whole movie-so rude. FYI though for people that like horror movies you will probably love this one.
Ok sorry for that rant, just had to get that off my chest.
It's always good to be back home though, I missed my babies.
I have no new kid pictures but I did find this little note in one of my drawers I was cleaning out the other day and I had to take a picture. It's from about the 2nd month my now hubby and I were going out. He is still just as sweet today.
I can not believe some parents, why would they do that?
Great card! TFS.
Oh my! I would MUCH rather have that note than flowers that will wither and die.
what a sweetie. And sorry about the movie experience. You couldn't have twisted my arm to go to that, let alone my 8 yr. old!
The card was better than flowers I think! So creative and funny.
I would prefer cards anyday! Cute note Bobbi.
It is too scary what some parent expose their kids to now. What a lovely note. I agree with Sharon - you can keep and treasure your note much more than flowers.
I totally agree with your rant. How sad! But your dh's note is unbelievably wonderful! He's definitely a "keeper."
LOVE it! Ugh...8 year olds get nightmares due to stupidity like that.
Aww, how sweet is that?! Great self portrait too. So did you know you wanted to marry him by that time or did this drawing convince you?
As for the movies, as irritated as I get at stuff like that, I always feel smugly superior about my own parenting. :-D
SO SWEET! (I read your movie rant, but wanted to focus on something good...) That picture is just wonderful. Does he know you still have it?
Holy smokes, that's just about the sweetest note I've ever seen.
The kids at the movie thing, I just can't imagine parenting like that :(
What a sweet note! I think that alone is sweeter than flowers! Sorry about the bad movie experience.
Sorry about the movie experience! And what a sweet card!!
Oh goodness...that note brought tears to my eyes...that is so great and special! What a lucky gal you are.
AND GIRL...OMG...parents did that?!!! That would piss me off to the point where I would have said something. I would have...because that is just obscene. No wonder children are so messed up these days with parents actually ALLOWING their kids to go. I mean...I used to sneak into R rated movies when I was about 15, but even then they were just things like Ace Ventura! LOL. We went to see "He's Just not that Into You". I highly recommend it. It was awesome.
LOVE the note and picture - better than any Hallmark card - hands down! Don't even get me started on parents who bring kids to the movies as a substitute-baby sitter. I don't care if it is manatee or evening showings - if your kid can't sit still, keep their mouth shut (or quiet) - then LEAVE. People pay to enjoy a movie - and not to be subjected to someone's over active child. And frankly, the theater staff should enforce ratings and if its not PG - keep the little buggers out!... like I said, don't get me started.... TFS!
Awwwww - such a sweet note! And I don't get that kids get to go in horror movies!!
I love the "homemade stuff" more! TFS!
~Shawna (shawkrem)
Never again will we go to a movie theatre in Gatlinburg. Never!!
I had so much fun this weekend. Thanks for introducing me to Apples to Apples! And now I know that Drew Barrymore, Marlon Brando, and Fat all have something in common. :)
Some parents shouldn't even be parents!
And, that note is so sweet, I'd take that over flowers. :)
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