Do any of you remember Blythe Dolls? Good, me either. Apparently one of James friends does though (and James of course since he knows everything about every toy in the world). When his friend saw Keaton a bit ago he said, "Oh he looks like a Blythe doll" To which I said, "Not really sure what that is dude" and he replied, "They are dolls from the 70's with huge heads and gigantic eyes" and then I am all, "Did you just call my baby a freak cause I will karate chop you"
Apparently they are adorable though so all is good. I can kinda see it too. The head, little heart shaped face, and ginormous eyes...Keats is a blythe.
Take this one for example:

Now imagine it with green eyes and more browny blond hair:

And imagine it's not a girl, total Keats.

A little side by side viewage:

Ahhh, my Keats the doll. I should really stop saying these things in front of him though don't want him to get a big(ger) head.

oh he is just too cute...he does look a little like the doll...I think he is better looking! I am gonna say it again. I LOVE your black and whites!
Oh My goodness, that is so funny:)
Shawna (shawkrem)
Oh, Bobbi, I laughed out loud at the side-by-side!!! I think he is waaaaay cuter than that doll. He is just adorable.
I am old enough but I don't remember them either. I think Keats is way cuter!
OMgosh...that DOES look like Both are super cute and wow is he a heartbreaker.
oh yes, he is just a doll! and how funny that he actually bears a resemblence to the doll. love those big eyes of his--they pull me in every time.
Ouch, quit making me laugh--it hurts! I've missed you, Bobbi. That is a totally freaky comparison.
Oh that is so funny! dont remember those dolls and I was a child in the 70's. They look alot like the bratts dolls from today, except much ctuer. those bratts dolls are creapy!
Awww, but Keats is SO much cuter than that doll! I have to admit, I had no clue what a Blythe doll is either. Maybe WE just aren't OLD enough, LOL. ;)
He is sooo cute. Such perfect little features. Oh and those curls. He is a doll! Beautiful photos.
Idk, Bobbi...I think he is just WAY cuter than that doll. I am not seeing it. He is totally less plastic looking. :)
Oh how cute! I don't remember those dolls but I can see the resemblance. What a sweetie!
Very pleasant and cute blog post as well as your images also. I love this Blythe Doll and just ordered at PIJ. Hope this lovely doll get in a week.
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