I finally see a reasemblence to James in Keaton...when he is completely ticked off at me. Yup pretty sure I have seen this face before.
I know how terrible to snap a picture when your child is having a fit (just because I shut the front door mind you). I needed proof for the grandparents that Keaton is indeed not an angel.
Love that 40D handling of noise-ISO 1600!
Oh, good Lord, I love his baby soft curls. I could look at pictures of him all day (mad or not). I wish I could work my 40D like you do yours.
That is great! I have a photo of Haili throwing a HUGE fit. Tears and all. I am going to have to dig that up. Your kids are so good looking!
I am SUCH a reality tv junkie too- ANTM, BB10, SYTYCD, American Idol... I love 'em all!
Poor Keats... :( (admission: I take pics of my kids when they are mad/crying too- I love those awful faces they make, LOL!)
He may be mad but he is still too cute!! :)
He looks like a sad angel to me. ;)
love those eyes!
I dont think this is going to help you out with the grandparents much--hes cute even when hes not an angel. Excuse my bad grammar. Theres something going on with my keyboard and my apostrophe wont work.
P.S. Rock of Love is the best reality show (or Rock of Chlamydia, as I like to call it).
So cute!
What an adorable little guy! I think those mad pictures are some of the most precious.
What a shot!!!
So cute! But he looks so PUT UPON, and indignant that you could be so, so , so unreasonable! LOL!
What a great face. I love the realness of it. I do that too, snap when they're pitching a fit.
That is a freaking amazing picture girl. I love it when people take pictures of THE REAL in their children (and other peoples too!). What an expression you have captured hear.
What a fun shot, Bobbi! His face lloks like it's thinning down and losing some of that baby shape--or maybe it's just the mad coming out. I LOVE Blaze's shots, especially his bubble one. Also enjoyed hearing his comments. :-D
Awesome catchlights! He's so cute!!
Shawna (shawkrem)
Hey babe... I do have a wireless remote for my 40D- I got it on ebay from a seller called shortfin-trading out of Hong Kong.. I think I paid around $20 or $25 for it. :)
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