It's hard to believe this guy will be 2 years old soon. It really feels like I just brought him home yesterday.
Things that he does I just love:
- Kisses galore! He is always dishing out the kisses to everybody in the family. And if he kisses on person he has to make the rounds so nobody is left out.
- Dank doo-He always says "thank you" whenever he is handed something, and after every kiss he gives. He has also started saying "yo weldom" when you tell him thank you.
- I just love how much he talks. He repeats absolutely everything you say. His favorite thing to say is Dirk though-for Captain Kirk. He seriously recognizes Kirk and Spock and the first note of any Star Trek song...oh wait I am doing things that I love not hate ;)
- So ready to be potty trained! He has been telling us for a couple of months as soon as he went to the bathroom that he needs to be changed and has now started saying "poo" before he even goes. Poo is so exciting when you are a parent.
- and...pretty much everything! Even the fits and begrudgingly his like of Star Trek. I gots mad love for my Keats!
Oh that little face. He does look mischievous. There was something kind of sad about each of my girls turning 2. When you say "2" out loud it definitely means that they are no longer a baby anymore.
Beautiful shots - where does the time go? My baby is 6 now and it only feels like yesterday she was born. Enjoy this time, it passes so quickly.
I soooo love his little sidelong glances! I can tell you from experience that in 13 years you're still going to feel like you brought him home yesterday. I'm like the stalker mom in 'Love You Forever,' trying to rock my giant 200+ lb teenager on my lap.
Thanks to you I have two new awesome Ben Folds songs on my iPod. :-)
so precious. thanks for sharing bits of your world. they are beautiful.
He is so precious! I love his faces- what a character! I hope I get the chance to meet him in person one day (and Blaze, and you, and James too of course!). I cannot BELIEVE he is almost two?! WTF! LOL
My goodness they grow so fast! My daughter is 15 mos and I'm feeling similar. It really doesn't seem that long ago that I brought her home??!! Crazy I tell you,, crazy! BTW he is simply adorable!
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