I know this isn't everyones story..or the desired story, but it is more common than people think. It is my story, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I truely believe this was God's plan.
Six years ago yesterday the most beautiful boy in the world was cradled in my arms. I was scared, naive, unconfident in my abilities, and at the same time filled with the most joy and wonder a person could feel. So I was pretty well confused.
I won't go too much into the backstory but I knew that I would be doing the single parent route by choice and thank god a willingness to not want to be a part. I so much preferred this to the other scenario. I have to give mad praise to my mom for all the help and support and many phone calls asking, "He's doing this, what does that mean?"
And of course to James who came into our lives when BLaze was two and became the father that God always had in mind for Blaze.
My "I will always be your first baby" has been such a building block for what my life is today. He caused changes in me that needed to happen and has made my life better than I ever thought I deserved.
Anyways, here's to celebrating Blaze today. Happy Birthday little, not so little man.
I looked for some old pictures for reference, but a lot of my really good ones are framed and bigger sizes...I don't know where my 4x6's are :( Here a few random snapshots I have available though. Forgive the non skills and scanning ;) Picture Overload warning!!
Just a few days old:
And forgive my boobage here lol.
A little bit older
My first shot with my dslr...and kit lens none the less.
Less than a year ago but he still looks so different to me:
And my little dude now:
Wow these picture have me seriously going down memory lane. Everybody should have a child, they are so beautiful.
Wow...such a great journey. You're proof that great things can happen from unexpected/challenging times. What a miracle your Blaze is, happy birthday to him!
Oh man! He has grown up SO SO much...especially in the last year. WOW. I love the latest pics of him.
(sigh) It just sucks that they get older.
Oh how fun is that...I love all of these...Happy birthday to him...they grow up to fast! I love the last ones you got of him. What a cool location!
I really enjoyed your journaling - what a special story! Happy birthday to your little guy, the pics are amazing! He's so handsome....
Loved reading your journaling, you and he both have come a long way. Those last photos are amazing.
What a beautiful trip down memory lane!! Happy birthday to Blaze!!
"Do you ever feel like your life is going nowhere, you are just going through the motions not really caring about the outcome good or bad? Then you accidently get pregnant and your life is changed forever."
That is EXACTLY how Austin came to be! I swear... we are more and more alike the more I learn about you! :p
What a wonderful trip down memory lane...thank you for sharing Blaze's story. He has really grown into a handsome little man! He's going to break hearts all over the place before you know it. :)
Bobbi--happy birthday to Blaze, and congratulations to you!! He looks so much more grown up with his glasses...LOVE the bumblebee!
Geez, Bobbi, way to make me all teary-eyed! :-P Happy Birthday to your big guy!
Oh my goodness.....he's gorgeous and you're right, he's a miracle. I could have written your post word for word, but mine was a girl and she's 14 now.
what a great walk down memory lane. blaze truly is a blessing--and i can see in his eyes how much he is loved. happy birthday, big guy!
Thanks for making me tear up butthole.
I love the "Howie" hair shot. :)
Happy Birthday Blazie!!!!!! Let's have a fiesta.
What a terrific post! The photos that go along with it are so fun! Isn't it amazing what life brings us and how things work out? your son is so handsome! I also think it's so fun to see how photography skills have changed, grown and improved. Very fun!
What a terrific post! The photos that go along with it are so fun! Isn't it amazing what life brings us and how things work out? your son is so handsome! I also think it's so fun to see how photography skills have changed, grown and improved. Very fun!
Blaze is so fricken adorable! Happy birthday, goober. Oh, and nice location for a photo shoot. :-D
what a beautiful post! Happy Birthday Blaze! I really enjoyed the trip down memory lane!
Happy Birthday to him! Beautiful trip down memory lane!
Nature sure knows what It's up to! My favorite is of him against the door frame with his arms around his knees. Great development of your photography skills!
Happy Birthday Blaze! My nephews rock!
Those pictures of little Blaze look so much like Keats!
wow! loved reading your journaling bobbie!! very precious!! i def believe the Lord has a plan for all of us! What a blessing!!!
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