But I also remember that same person not letting him see his room when we were first dating for quite some time. And only when I did see it did I really understand that "I like toys" meant "When we buy our house I will need both rooms in the basement for my displays of my thousands (no joke here people-thousands) of action figures. Plus a separate room for my comics, and storage for the figures I have that I cannot display" Yeah I didn't really see that one coming.
And yet here I am doing another toy shoot. My baby is a nerd but I love him so. And don't tell him but I kinda of secretly enjoy taking pictures of his toys. I guess I am nerd by marriage, but the setups are fun and something different to take picture of. As much as I tease him about it I also really love the facts that he collects toys, everyone should have a hobby to make them happy.
Bobbi, this is funny in one way and great in another. I'm sure your man loves your secret fascination with the things he loves, too. Super fun pictures!
What a great wife you are!! I think it's great that he has something he is so passionate about! And he's lucky to have you to take the pictures!!
Ha!! That's awesome. My dh has a lot of the toys he had as a kid and my ds loves to look at them.
That is great...my hubby used to collect star wars toys...I wonder where they all went!
Your shots look like they belong in a magazine or book of action figures! Fun shots!
OH my goodness! These are so much fun--love the whole idea of toy collecting. AARGH--when I think of all the Star Wars figures, et al, that were eaten by the vaccuum cleaner...
I must be a dork too, cause I think these are awesome, lol! I loved action figures when I was little. Maybe because my mom would never let me have them, she insisted I play with Barbies and My Little Ponies. Sigh. :)
that is awesome! So is that the display or did you take those toys outside for a little set up?
This is great! Do you mock him endlessly even though you secretly enjoy them? That's what I would do. :-D Thanks for the well wishes on my blog, Bobbi.
LOL - too cute!! What an awesome hobby!! And you get to play too!! ;)
He even has them "posed." He IS die-hard! I love it though and in many ways, can relate.
i want to see a photo of the whole collection!! i think it's GREAt he has a hobby and great that you are so supportive!!!
Oh my God, Bobbi! These are a total riot! I love this shots. They are so vintage, and just...quirky!
We had neighbors who collected toys. We lived in a rather large apartment building (the apartments were large) and they had a room of Transformers. (Yeah...yup...a WHOLE room of Transformers...thousands). They had other toys too...they had this awesome, life sized Homer Simpson Santa. They left it up all year and dressed it in different outfits depending on seasons, and holidays.
this made me laugh! what a great idea and backstory. dh bought me a couple dr who figures as a joke since i like the show. it never occured to me to do something like this. So creative!
i LOVE how you compose these! so fun. they look like they are trailers for a movie promo.
ROFL!!! Love it! Great DOF too!
OK, my husband is looking at this post and obsessing now about whether your husband took them out of the box. And whether they're in the dirt or in some kind of cool display indoors. In some cool room that he doesn't get to have. He also mentioned that he recognizes the episode in which Captain Kirk and the alien creature were in, in the orignial Star Trek. Yeah.. . . whatever. Nice photographs! I say his rooms are worth a lens or two for you!
Collections are tough. But taking photos of them is good in case you decide enough is enough .... someday. ;)
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