Anyways, while there I did get a couple of pics of Keaton and some of James Star Trek and Hellboy figures (how do I get suckered into doing toy shoots?) Note- Hellboy 2 not very good, which makes me sad cause I liked the first one.
Anways again (lol, I am very rambly today), I really love this shot of Keaton. he is giving me such a Keaton look and it reminds me again how sweet that 85 is.
I love those green eyes but his look was calling for a moody b/w:
LOVE this in black and white...I LOVE the look he is giving you!!
Love the photos!
These are precious! Love the moody conversion, but I think I'm partial to your color one as the vibrant green as it just makes his eyes pop!
Love your photos and your BLack and White conversion is awesome!
Yea, you're back! I've missed seeing your posts. Love the B&W of Keats--you're right, those eyes just called for a conversion.
WOW...the b&w is perfect. Great photo. And my kids go to the cemeteries with me all the time too! It's a great place to shoot.
How Sweet! Isn't the 85 awesome?
There is something so amazing about the B/W conversion on this photo. It is stunning.
Girl! I have missed you and your blogging. I checked yesturday morning and I thought maybe something was up because you hadn't been posting. I don't think you should make me wait to see your pictures that long. Haha.
definitely love the b&w
I always love both your bnw's. Great expression here! What a look.
Loved the colored one - but that bw is perfect for that look!!
I love both, but the color one is my fav because of his eyes. He is adorable.
These are SO great Bobbi! I love his expression. That makes me sad about Hellboy 2 also, I was looking forward to seeing it because I did like the first one. Maybe I'll save my money and just wait till it comes out on Netflix...
Awwww what a cutie! I like both the color and the b&w to!
i love both but the color just sings. and you are not weird at all in going to the cemetary. those are some of my favorite places to shoot!
I love them both, but especially the b&w. Beautiful!
Such a look! There is no way you could neglect that cute face.
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