to this:
My oldest will not smile in pictures! I am going to have to try to be more sneaky, it will be my goal to get some real genuine smiles from him.
This is what he usually starts doing when he sees I have the camera which is equally cute in a different way.
Of course Keaton is an extraoridinarily smiley baby. so maybe that will stick with him (fingers crossed)
What a great post! Beautiful pictures. And I love the little story board of your oldest. I'm going to have to do that with my son. He always does this crazy thing with his arms as soon as the camera comes out.
I love the story board.. That made me smile. Great job
ROFL! Too true! I give him a year, lol! ;)
Love the storyboard! My kids all do the "silly" thing. unless they are just running away or putting their hand in front of their face, lol!
What is it about little boys that they have to do all that crazy stuff. It only gets worse as they get older. It does make for a cute storyboard though
He he, yep so true. My 4 and 6 year olds are the same way. Love these photos, the storyboard is really cute :)
Very funny. Seems to be a theme with a few people. He will grow out of it - my eldest one did.
The shot of your baby is so precious. But your older boy is cracking me up! the face in the first photo is hilarious, and his antics in the storyboard are so funny!
I just chuckled at the second photo...this is so where my kids are right now...Love that first photo also!
Yes, but what a ham! I love real life shots like this, it's who he is.
So funny! I love the little story board. Those faces crack me up.
LOL, I think those pics of your older one are too cute!
These are just beautiful captures... Great pp here. tfs.
That storyboard is awesome!
Great post and photos. My 2yrs tries to shove his face into my camera when it is pointed at him and if not his face it is the toy he is holding...
ha ha ha..those are hilarious. you got some great shots though.
Great story board!!!
What a character! I just love the storyboard, Bobbi. Its so silly and fun, even if he isn't smiling.
I like the silly pictures. They will make great memories for you as they get older. They are great captures btw
Love your oldest facial expressions! Handsome guys you have there!
Don't you love how that happens as they get older?
How hilarious! I love your least he looks like he's having fun! =)
LOL! Love the storyboard! Very cute!
Those first two are very cute! I love your storyboard, it's so fun and looks like you did really well at catching his personality.
beautiful... the photos, the story, just beautiful!
I LOVE the personality you captured form both of them!!! Yums is officially turning into an obnoxious boy and it is driving me NUTS!!! Why is the word poop SO funny!?
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