Truth be told I actually think I like being thirty. Perhaps this novelty will wear off (I am quite sure at some point it will.) I really love my life though so that helps. Do I have everything I ever wanted by this age? Nope. Thank goodness because what fun would that be, I need things to work towards. I have an amazing husband and two beautiful boys who are my world. So while I don't have everything I would ever want, (still waiting to win the lottery)I do have everything I would ever need -Love.

Just to prove I don't feel or act my age here is something I still find hilarious.
Have you seen the ads for the baby snuggies? They are creepy. You know what isn't creepy? The Bobbisnuggie! Just ask my friend and satisfied customer Heather.

*no Heathers were harmed in the making of the Bobbisnuggie*
I also find this video hilarious (as in can't stop watching) These guys take news stories and make songs out of them. Auto-Tune the news is is this lady in the video.
With maturity like this I will be forever young!
Love your self-portrait! You are so cute. Snuggie shots are too funny!
You will never be confused for 30, no way! Great self-portrait and I'm totally agree with the creepiness of the baby snuggie - and LOL at the video. Laughter and love will get you far. (and better odds than winning the lottery)
happy birthday beautiful!
Ha, I love you! I want a bobbisnuggie, complete with the adult version bobbi! You're gorgeous, of course of course.
The babysnuggie is hilarious!
Love the self-portrait!
Happy late birthday! Love the photo of you!
You are rocking 30, Bobbi! Believe me, 30 is a good age to be--past those pesky 20s when are aren't "really" an adult, but not as old as 40 (although I'd love to be 40 again!)
And YUCK---that baby snuggie looks like something from out of "Alien"!!
Wonderful self-portrait! And 30's really not that bad, I've been 30 now for two years lol! And ROFL at your snuggies!
Happy Birthday! You pic is beautiful and your humor just might be contagious! :)
FIrst of all, happy belated birthday! You have such a great outlook on everything. Keep that sense of humor!!!
Very pretty on the self portrait!!!!!! Those baby snuggy things ARE creepy!!!! And forty isn't so terribly bad as it sounds either, I found out. :-) Happy birthday just about a week late!
Hey hot mama. Uh 30 old? Not. Enjoy because when 40 gets here you can enjoy that to. OMG the bobbisnuggie is so funny.
You are gorgeous!! Happy birthday again!! That snuggie is kinda scary...
A.) You're the hottest 30 year old eva.
B.) Our Snuggie picture is so incredibly creepy, yet heart warming.
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