Not only just blog more but shoot more, and more snapshots at that. I think I got stuck in a rut of picture perfect last year and I am going to be all about lifestyle this year and doing more things for me (like macros!), so hopefully a lot more personal stuff this year.
That being said I do have things from last year too that I just didn't even get a chance to blog so there will be some catch-up posts from time to time too (including my 8 year olds bday pics from July, horrible right??)
To start off I have to do a couple of oversights from my favorite things post a couple of posts down.
Cringer! I cannot believe I have never blogged about our cat before. We got her about nine months ago and she is perfect. I had wanted a kitten but Blaze insisted we get an older cat because "Everyone adopts kittens and its not fair to older cats to not get a home" He's kind of amazing, that kid. I'm pretty sure she was made for us because James was dead set on getting an orange tabby and naming it Cringer from He-Man. When we walked in there was a sign on her cage that said, "I know my name, Ginger" She has made the transition to Cringer just fine.

Vests. Ok, I am a little bit obsessed with vests. Possibly to the degree of unhealthy. I just love how cute they are! There are a couple missing here. I had just bought a new one a few weeks ago and a wise person said to me, "Nine vests! That's just crazy. You have a problem and admitting it is the first step." So I returned that one and am fully sane still. No Vests Anonymous for me!

Starbucks, oh Starbucks. You were fully one of my favorite things in 2010 but I plan on changing this. Last week I added up my Starbucks charges to my bank for the past 2 months and it was $130. $130!!! That is $780 a year. That's just dumb. So I will probably never be able to cut SB (we are on an initial basis) out completely, but I am set on a max of one a month.

Cringer rules.
You have a very fine young man growing up in that little boy you call Blaze - a very fine young man. I used to (and still occasionally) wear vests. a lot. But I never had 9, so I'm good, right?. I am glad you are going to blog more this year because I so enjoy your photography and writing style. :)
I could have written your post. I have not had a good year camera wise. I miss it so much and it has felt so good to pick it up is like therapy!
Love your post and photos!
Great post! I really digg Starbucks Hot COCOA!!!
What a fun post! Cringer looks just like my neighbor's cat, whose name is Goldie. Or maybe her real name is Coldie. :) It's fun to see you on POTD again! Love your vests, too!
Your cat looks like mine...just 10 pounds lighter.
Cringer is beautiful! And very lucky to have found herself such a wonderful new home. And I totally get the SB addiction... although in our case, it's my 10-year-old daughter that suffers from it. Oy...
great stuff. may i suggest make your starbucks at home. it'll save lots of money and you can still get the flavors... then again thoes milkshake type drinks would probably be hard.
buying coffee at these places was the first thing off my list to save money this year (easier said then done, went out and got one today for a little meeting i had, hard to avoid!) good luck :)
I love this post!!!
your boys are getting so BIG!!!
I spent way too much on starbucks & mcdonalds mocha frappes last year. addicted! no MORE!
p.s. your cat is amazing and your son, even more so!
What a kind hearted child, and I love the name Cringer! I had the same kind of year in 2010, just sucked the creativity right out of me. I look forward to your posts and pictures!
I can't even remember the last time I went to Starbucks. But I do spend a sizeable amount on my keurig coffee pods....
Your cat is beautiful.
I love the photos! I also had a not good year photo wise last year, especially when it came to my personal photos! I hope the joy comes back this eyar!
Cringer is adorable - and I'm not even a cat-person! I love your vests, and I think that as long as you are using them all, you have just the right number of them. Now if they are just hanging in a closet, that's another story. As for Starbucks . . . that's a tough one . . . weaning yourself off can be challenging, but you can do it! I know I did! Happy New Year!
What a pretty cat. I hear you on the SB I got a gift card for my birthday and I went to SB every day for a week.
Your new cat is adorable - love the fact that your son decided on an older cat - that is the sweetest thing!!
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