But baby it's alright
I'll make sure the coast is clear
So you can just sleep tight
~Matthew West
If you haven't heard that song I suggest it...it's so beautiful. Just like this baby!

I got to use my pod!! On the sweetest little pea around I think, how perfect is her dress for this??!

Sigh...newborns. <3<3 Nothing more precious in this world.
awwwwww....I just get all gooshy when I see newborns. Sigh....I wonder if, even if I had like 10 kids, the desire for a newborn would ever go away? Beautiful. I love the soft black and whites...so gentle and lovely.
Wow, that first shot just made me want another child! Seriously...so incredibly cute. You did a fabulous job Bobbi! And I love those lyrics, I'm going to have to look up that song.
I'm just smiling! These are adorable, especially the first shot!
How precious! Beautiful work...and I love her little lips, they are so perfect!
These are so beautiful! Love your pod...it's just perfect. I am so not good at newborn photography. I am totally in awe of these shots!
She is a cutie - love the hat in the first shot - and the pic with your pea pod - just adorable.
Oh, between you and Mandy I am all ooohed and awwwed out tonight. Darling, darling shots. Your conversions are wonderful.
Another perfect little baby - this is a wonderful night checking out blogs!! :)
so sweet and I love the yellow wall in your pod shot :)
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