Wow I just realized I have not blogged at all this month. In my defense it has literally been March Madness at my house. I have been in major redecorating mode which included new living room furniture, new bedroom furniture for me, new bunk beds for the boys (who decided they wanted to share...can't wait to see how long that lasts), painting the living room, painting my bedroom, and finally taking down the wallpaper that has been in the kitchen(and hated) since we moved in. Who created wallpaper?! I mean some of it can be pretty but wow what a pain. The kitchen is still only half way done but it feels good to get the bulk of it out of the way. So thankful for James dad doing most of the work!
So that plus this potty training trouble maker (in the cutest way)made taking pictures kind of hard.

During this time I did get a 5d classic though!! And got some quick test shots with it.

Got some obligatory?? He-man figure shots the colors on this camera!

I also love the shutter sound on the camera(does that make me weird?).....but mine had a defect and had to be sent back. For some reason all the outdoor pics had a one inch streak running through them, major bummer! I am really hoping to get the new one back this week. Ok so I feel all caught up now, gonna try to be a better blogger in the future!
Could you please come over and do my house? We have been working on a bathroom remodel for over six months now, which means everything else is piling up.
Perfect timing for you, though, just in time for Spring!
Great shots but do we get to see photos of all the new furniture, bunkbeds and decor?
Your kids are too adorable! Love the figurine shots - very colourful!
You're capturing some great colors there!
I love the shot of Blaze! What an expression, and crossed arms to top it off! The little scratch on Keats' cheek adds SO much character in that pic.
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