Sunday, December 28, 2008

This kid rocks my face off...also ;)

Its time for my favorite Keats pictures of the year. I can't believe he is going to be two in a month, time travels way too fast. This kid cracks me up. And to this day I can count on one hand how many times someone has said what a handsome boy as opposed to what a beautiful I better enjoy these curly haired pictures while I can. Here are my favorite Keaton pictures from 2008, sorry there are a ton...he just so happens to let me take a lot of pictures which he is rapidly growing out of.

His first birthday picture:

I adore his his smile:

He is such a little imp:


Attitude and all:

Disregard my rounded corneres here lol:

Right after a meltdown:


Summertime shot:

I love this moody look:

Such a smile:

20 minutes with Keats, I love how all over the place he is:

All boy:

I love sleeping babies so much:

Angry face:

Best shirt ever:


Cheesy Cheeserton:



Too pretty for words(yes I call my son pretty)


Rocky Balboa:

Little lumberjack:


And my hands down favorite Keats picture of the year, he is just so adorable:


Anonymous said...

All I can say is "aaww". I wish I could hug him to pieces. Great captures.

Sharon said...

Adorable!!!! These are wonderful captures! I love that first one.

pat said...

Ah, that felt good to see all those cute shots of Keats! Bobbi, he is so photogenic, even when pulling an attitude or having a bad day...

Meaghan said...

What a sweetheart! All the pics are so great.

Angela2932 said...

I gave up on picking my favorites too as I looked through these! :) They're all just so gorgeous! I'm glad you posted them all, all these versions of little Keats!

Reds said...

Yup - adorable and sweet! I couldn't choose a favorite - they are all unique!

Becky said...

It's probably a good thing we don't live close to each other because I would just SQUISH those adorable kids of yours, and I think Blaze is a little too cool to put up with that. Plus you'd think of me as weird stalker-squisher lady.

Lauren Hartman said...

He is a gorgeous boy, and your captures of him are stunning! How I wish i had a little boy around to stalk with my camera all the time!

--sme said...

What a cutie--he's go gorgeous eyes! And I love how expressive he is!

Linnao said...

He is so cute! And your pictures are beautiful! I'll be back :-)

PierKiss said...

He is so cute. I love all your photos-they're excellent.

Amy said...

He is just adorable and so fortunate to have a mommy that takes such fabulous photos of him!!! :)

Lou said...

Your photos are amazing. I especially like the '20 minutes' collage. What a busy little guy! And you captured so many aspects of his personality.

About Me

I am a 27 year old wife, friend, and mother. I am a take it one day at a time kinda gal. I love to have fun and capture memories. I believe that a positive attitude makes a postive life so have a great day and enjoy my blog :) Thank you for looking and taking an interest.


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