If you are like my hubby and I (and most of my friends) you will click on that page and be like "Oh my, I must have one of these amazing beards!!!" What for? Just to wear to movies and such.
But before you purchase think hard about your decision. Having a beard is not all fun and games. It makes you a completely different person. You are more thoughtful, more in tune with nature, and you will probably be compelled to chop down a tree or two. Buy wiseley, make sure to read the descriptions to get the right beard for you.
My favorite beard shot.
I love my husband, he knows how to be all goofy and not care!
Your husband, the mountain man. Who knew?! I can't wait until my James gets one!
Ahhh! Found your blog though a google alert, and I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the beard so far! Looks great!
also, hope it's ok that I blogged about these photos! imadeyouabeard.blogspot.com
These pictures are so funny! You are lucky to have a "fun" husband with a good sense of humor!!
OMG, he just kills me! He looks like that one guy from Little House on the Prairie! My dh is actually trying to grow a real beard (imagine, a big bald guy with a beard??!!). It looks crazy, I'll have to get some pics for you. Or maybe I can just buy him one, ROFL!
OMG your DH is hysterical! Mine would never do something like this LOL! Although I have been complaining because he hasn't been shaving. I like a gotee(sp?) better than a beard ;)
OMG that is hilarious! I love the lumberjack shots.
Bobbi, thanks for the great laugh!! I don't know what I enjoyed more--your sales pitch, or the shots of James AKA Paul Bunyan!!
Your husband is a great sport!!! those are too funny!!!
your journaling cracks me up lol!! What a fun guy your hubby is! Great post and love the pix!
This is the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER seen...EVER. I mean...we put our kids through so much to get the perfect photo...why not our husbands too. He looks like he is just a great sport about the whole thing, and a willing participant even! I love how you have captured the sun.
You and dh are to funny.
Love his (your) sense of humor and fun. We could soooo have fun together, the 4 of us...sigh...if only we were closer.
LOL! I've seen that shop on Etsy and wondered what kind of weirdo buys those things--now I know. You guys are so funny.
This is just too funny! I love your journaling along with this. He looks like he really got into this. . . did you get him a Santa beard as well?
Oh my, that is too funny! I saw these beards a couple of weeks ago and wondered who these would be perfect for, now I know! Awesome shots! :)
p.s. I'm on facebook too, add me as a friend!
OK... love, love, love that series of the wood chopper. Your husband is a crack up.
PS- I give you two enthusiastic thumbs up on the music. I absolutely love thriving ivory. :)
hahahahaha!!!! This is TOO funny!!!!! Wow!!! I need to get my hands on one of those!! LOL
Hmm. I definitely need one of those for my hubby!
These are too funny! Thanks for a good laugh...and my husband may want one of these beards, too. ;)
That is hilarious!! Your hubby looks like a fun guy!
lmao!!! these are so awesome!
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