Completely unrelated to my pictures whatsoever. Do any of you watch Flight of the Choncords (Becky and Jess I know you would love them). I have watched a few of the songs here and there on youtube but I watched like 5 episodes these weekend from their DVD-so so funny!
A little clip(warning-curse word towards end@ 1:19) :
Yeah another one:
He's so adorable! LOVE the lumberjack flannel shirt! My youngest would like this shirt too!
He is so cute. Love how he has his tongue sticking out in the last one :)
Oh man--Bobbi, every time I see him I just about OD on his cuteness. Love the shot of him inspecting the pinecone.
Oh if you could only keep those adorable baby curls forever.
I love buffalo plaid! K is adorable!!
Oh your photos are always so good...I love them all!
He's adorable! Love that curly hair :)
That has got to be the cutest lumber jack I've ever seen!
He is such a cutie. great photos love the color
he's just so squishable!
OMG, Keats is the CUTEST little lumberjack EVAH! And WOW. I have NO WORDS for those videos- I am seriously LMAO right now... those guys are GREAT!
oh my god...if I didn't think I could Love you and more than I already do. I love {LOVE} the Flight of the Concords! Hahaha.
I also think your lumberjack looks totally styling in his flannel.
I love the B&W! What a cute little guy he is!
Too cute-he's such a sweetie. I'm so glad he finally likes me! :)
Come to the darkside-facebook that is-it is sooo much fun!!
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