Lol, unfortunately this was the first picture I took. I bought Blaze and Keats some super cute hats and I just bought a different color seamless paper (charcoal) and wanted to get some pictures with both. I just wanted to do some headshots, to explain the diaper. I did manage to get some cute ones I just edited this one first cause it cracked me up.
I am starting to really love seamless paper...which makes me really want to invest in studio lights. And my husband said I can have one of the basement rooms or the garage for a studio now I just need to win the lottery ;)
And I was tagged by my 6th sister Jess(seriously I think we are related) I am supposed to grab the book I am currently reading go to page 56, 5th line and post the next couple lines so here goes:
"We should run away, " says Iris fiercely to Ruth. They hold hands and leave the noise of aggressive housecleaning behind them. Along the lane a crippled old dame comes poking with the aid of two sticks. Her back is gnarled nearly double, and her horny hands are tied to the canes so she can't drop them"
I am actually in the process of rereading "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister". It's by Gregory Maguire, the same guy who wrote Wicked and its the "true" story of the ugly stepsisters from Cinderella. Highly recommend it.
And I don't know who else has been tagged so you are safe for now....until I come up with a different tag(insert evil laughter)
OOOO, me likey your new color. How would you compare it to say...thunder gray? I really, really, really like it...can you tell?
GREAT shot of Keats, gotta love that PCS (photographers child syndrome.)
I'm glad there is an official diagnosis for this. I get these shots from my kids all the time. I do think yours is cute. Cause he's not my kid:)
Too funny. Like the color of your seamless. ~Jackie
Oh I love that paper! He's such a fun kid!
I think that counts as a real pose when you're a toddler. Your lighting is beautiful, and Keats has the best eyes even when he's not making eye contact.
Too cute!!! Beautiful looking paper!
Now THAT is a subtle signal!!! LOL!!!!
But he's so cute so it's OK. ;)
I love this picture! His expression is great!
Yep, I get more PCS shots than not, subtle and not-so-subtle! So cute though, this is real and in-the-now, to be treasured forever :)
Love, love your Trek photos too!
Love that cute!
Love that shot, how funny!
LOL that is great. I get that from my friends kids that are too used to seeing me take their pictures...
Man I love my seamless, I just need a place to use it in the house.. That lottery winning sounds like a good idea!!
Soooo love that charcoal paper!! I think that is my next color!!
Cutie pa tootie little boy you have there too...I especially love the, "okay, I'm done with pictures" face. Too funny that that happened on the first picture!!
I should try seamless paper, I really like the way it looks. Great shot!
Shawna (shawkrem)
ROFL! Keats, baby, you kill me! He's a kid after my own heart for sure.
That book sounds AWESOME... I'm going to have to check it out. I haven't been able to have a good read in a LOOONG time.
Thanks for playing along too... you know I love ya girlie! :)
That shot is so funny. Love your seamless, too. Thanks for making me smile today!
Wow! At such a young age, he has great command of non-verbal communication! Keats is adorable!
Great background color and hilarious shot! Hey, I forgot to mention that one of those Star Trek people lives here in my town. He's really old, so it must be a member of the original show. :)
Bobbi, my POTD post tonight (Monday) is for you. Mustachios!
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