Friday, September 5, 2008

The laughter of children is the sweetest of them all




Just a few more to share from my nephews shoot. I love all their pictures cause they are so adorable but there is just something so perfect about that last one. There is nothing more genuine that a childs laughter.

The last two are of different boys btw-twins just to note :)


Reds said...

Yup - love them - but especially that last one - so much joy in that photo!!

Jess said...

He is so handsome! And I agree, that last shot is PRICELESS! I can almost hear the giggles now!

Jackie's Shot said...

Really nice processing. Wow he sure looks like a joy.

Sara said...

Handsome boys- and the laugh is so contagious...

Mom2Drew said...

I will have to agree...Love the laughter of a child! So pure.

Becky said...

That last one looks like he's doing an evil genius laugh. :-D

Mandy said...

I just love that last shot, Bobbi! Its so amazing to see someone with so much joy in their can really tell that he feels it in his heart.

Ginnie said...

Bobbi- I've always thought you were an awesome photog. These shots are no exception. Great as always!

PS- were you able to download the actions from my site? Things were CRAZY yesterday. If not, send me an email and i will send it to you.

Sharon said...

Great captures! I really love that last one!

About Me

I am a 27 year old wife, friend, and mother. I am a take it one day at a time kinda gal. I love to have fun and capture memories. I believe that a positive attitude makes a postive life so have a great day and enjoy my blog :) Thank you for looking and taking an interest.


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