So I bought a reflector an insanely long time ago and just decided to play today. I can see what a difference it makes to use one in certain situations (not sure if I like it though it is probably just me not doing it right yet)...and how hard it is to hold one and take a picture at the same time. These pics were taken in pretty good sunlight though. Methinks I will hire my hubby to help me out tomorrow so I can replay with all the different sides and actually pay attention this time.
I wasn't really worried about comp or squinty eyes, really just wanting to see the effect.
No reflector:
White side(I think...see what I mean):
Gold(I know this one for a fact cause I remember the face)
I really just like the way the no reflector looked but that could be cause I used a wider ap too so it is harder to compare the look. I can also see where it might come in handy with catchlights. I am going to try to play tomorrow hopefully in some serious blacklighting and see if the reflector adds to the image. I also want to experiment with the distance of the reflector and such. It is always nice to have another tool on my side.
I was shocked that Blaze actually participated though so we will see if we can get two days in a row.
Next up fill flash...
Gotta hand it to you , Bobbi--I never have the patience to experiment, or at least keep track of what I did when... I think the reflector will work well in shady situations; just have to grow another arm so you can hold it!!
Rock on Blaze & Mommy! My kids HATE when I bring the reflector out. But darn it, it really DOES help. Sigh. I've been practicing fill flash too. Not sure if I am really "getting it" but I can kind of figure out how far to dial it down for how intense the backlighting is... maybe that's progress? I just resist change at all costs and would much rather stick with natural light and no gadgets... sigh. :p
Looks like you're figuring it out! When you try it again keep the ap low like the first and don't over expose. I think you'll be happy with the result!
i love his expression in the second photo
I need to get out and practice too. Good Job.
he did a great job sitting for your experiment. i don't use my reflector too often...i'm more of a diffuser girl. i do usually have someone else holding either and that really helps. have fun with that flash!
oooh im so glad you're doing this!! expect a peamail really soon! i love blaze in that shade of green!!
I actually think it really brightens up the eyes! I like it especially in #2.
Love that last expression. Love the experiment you did. Now you just need reflector stand. One of the MANY things on my wish list.
Good for you. I have been resistant to stretching lately and I need to take a cue from you.
I thought it was Hey look a squirrel? ;-)
Good for you for taking the time to experiment. I like the sidelighting best, too.
How neat, I love the changes it does to the picture. I think your pics always look amazing!!
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