So I referred to some old pictures and thought I would ask for some opinions. Keep in my these are not great pictures and they aren't even scanned...I just took a picture of the pictures with my camera (I really am that lazy). But you get the idea so..
My hair now (actually a little more grown out than usual):
My hair almost 3 years ago. Yes I know these are Halloween pics but you can see my hair semi-well in the first one. The 2nd one is just so you can see my awesome costume. I don't have a lot of pictures of me as I avoid the camera.
And can I just say how talented my hubby is. A big group of us went to the club as characters from obviously Poison Ivy. My husband made my whole costume, boots and all. It was awesome. I might have to revive it this year. Seriously he amazes me with all he can do.
Sorry no new pics :( But do I cut my hair or not-help me decide!
Oh GOSH... hard choice! I think you look FAB both ways. And OMG. I LOVE your Poison Ivy costume! HOTTTTT!
Yah I was going to say smokin' costume! I love your hair like it is now.
Damn! You are one hotty and a half in that costume...I love your hair the way it is now, but I am ALWAYS changing my hair so I know how you feel.
I like the straight hair, but is it worth the time every morning to straighten it? It all comes down to how much time you want to invest in it. You look great either way!
hotsy totsy!! did he make your tights too?? ;)
i like hair long. you have more options! but i also really like the style you have now! im not much help! sorry!
Cool new banner. I think your hair looks real nice now. And yes a very hot poison ivy.
I think you look great eiterh way, but you know I am a big fan of curls. I am not going ot comment on how good your legs look too.
I just love that shot of you. BEAUTIFUL! The PPing is awesome.
I love your hair right now. It's elegant and classy. My vote is to keep it! Nice costume by the way...
OMG! I LOVE that costume! What a great job! I'm no help... I like your hair both ways!
I'm no help on the hair; I like it both ways. Just wanted to say HOTTIE! on you as Poison Ivy.
Grow those beautiful locks, girl!
(But I'm one who has and loves long hair, so I'm totally biased.
And Holy Ivy, Batman, you are one gorgeous thing!
I like your hair both ways. You look young and sassy with it short, but the curls are so sexy. Those are natural??? You lucky girl. and I do love the costume!!!
hmmm, I can see why you are having a hard time deciding. you look gorgeous both ways!
How cute and dont you look smoking! Love the costume, kuddos to dh!
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