I am excited it's May though-school is almost out! Ready for a tiny vent. Let me preface by saying I love my sons school-love, love it. The teachers are awesome, the kids, everything. I love that it is a private school and he gets to learn about God-have I covered that I love it?
Anyways when did Kindergarten become what it is? I remember singing my songs and eating paste maybe if it was a big day when I was in kindergarten. I never had homework. Now they learn to read,phonics, have to write in cursive (which I think I learned in the 2nd grade), tell time(which I think I learned last year ;)), add, subtract, count money, etc. Last week Blaze had Stanford tests...really? Anyways don't get me wrong I am so proud of him and love everything he learns. It also makes me just a bit sad sometimes too though. It makes me feel they are missing out on more carefree time that will all too soon be gone as it is.
Sorry for the vent...and now some cute kids.
Hey look it's my name in my handwriting-random! And no I don't really make a heart of my i's.
Cute shots of your cute kids! Think I like the b&ws better!
Loving the shots of the boys~ but can't decide between color and BnW.
LOL at the signature.
Hope your blahs pass you by shortly. Sometimes the only way out is through...
Wow they are learnign so much so early now. Great pics of your cute boys
These are some cute photos and I especially love your conversion on the last one! Oh, and I've had some of those days lately too!
Adorable photographs! My daughter isn't yet in school, but I agree, I hope she isn't worked TOO hard those first couple years of school. Here's to a great summer vacation!
So sweet. I always love seeing his curls.
YOur guys are so cute! Like both versions, so I'm no help. I hear your rant about kindergarten. What's wrong with letting them be kids, and exercise their imaginations? That's an awful lot for a kindergartener!
Your kids are adorable! I dread the school years for the same reasons :)
great shots bobbi....your kiddos are so cute!
great shots bobbi....your kiddos are so cute!
Great shots, I really like the b&w's.
Great shots of the boys!! Lighting is terrific! I agree with the school thing - I cannot believe everything my daughter had done in kindergarten this year!
You totally heart your "i"s...
And, I'm gonna miss the crazy rides to the babysitter's house with Blaze.... as he tells me it smells like a fiesta in the car.
your kids are adorable. and i totally agree about the kindergarten vent. i work in an elementary school and every year there are more and more "standards" that the little k's need to meet. just doesn't seem right.
Those are nice! you children are adorable!
First...these are awesome photos. I love the soft, clean feel of them. They really feel like summer.
Second...YEAH....I totally know what you mean, and it stinks. I don't remember reading until first grade, and cursive was not taught until 3rd. We played on the swings and ate sand from the sandbox.
Mikki is in preschool. She has homework. Ummmm....hello....she JUST turned 5. I am 28....I have homework, she shouldn't too!
OK, so how did you get the handwriting so smooth? Mine with the pen changes it after writing and I am not sure why....?
Love those rounded corners and the yummy green/yellow/textures too!
great shots. esp your dd in blue against the green background, really pops.
I totally hear ya. School has gotten SO involved at much younger ages! My 4th and 6th graders each have at least 3 hours of homework a night. That leaves NO time to play during the week at all! :(
Your boys are gorgeous... I hope you get over the blahs soon. I am with ya on those too lately. I'm just "off".
Vent away!; what are blogs for? I like the color better; it just seems to create stronger appeal for me.
love these shots of your boys! I've had the blahs (and sickies) myself lately... hope you come out of it soon!
These are beautiful shots of your kiddos! How fun you have your signature, how did you do that? When both of my girls were in K, I thought the same thing as you. It seems they're learning the same things, but much earlier which means I'm not sure what they'll learn in the later years. Actually, my girls are now hs'd, so that isn't an issue anymore. :)
I am with you on the why is there so much learning at that age and not enough playing. I also agree with you on the very cute kids.
How cute, I love these!! Great bnw! Cute handwriting to!
I hear you on the kindergarten thing! It's crazy. But maybe Blaze can do your taxes for you next year. :-) Sweet photos of the boys--I love the way you processed them.
they both have amazing eyes - great shots!!
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