I did decide I am getting a new tattoo though. I have my first sons name on one foot and decided it's time to get one with my babies name on my other foot. I worked on a quick concept and took it to the artist. He is going to play with the colors and font (which I wasn't married to) and design from there. So I should have a picture of a new tattoo sometime this week :)
Here is what he is working with:
Very cool! I could not imagine getting one on my foot though. Ouch. I have two on my back, and those hurt enough. :)
Very cool! I'm still so undecided, but love to look.
Ouch! I'd never mess with my feet, though! They have enough "issues" as is! Very pretty, though.
Looking forward to the photo. I don't think I could ever do a tattoo; I just know how often I change my mind and know I'd end up hating it. Not to mention I have nowhere to put it that's not old, saggy, and baggy. :-)
Looks like it'll be pretty cool
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