Oh my WORD! I just LOVE these. They make me scrunch up my face and say in baby talk to my hubby...."awwww...i want a puppy too!" Did he listen, no. But your photographs illcited a true human desire from me. Apparently he is immune to cuteness.
Mandy wrote my exact words that came out of my mouth when I first saw this pup. Oh my WORD! :) SOOO Cute. I love the last one. What kind of puppy? I must know....just because. ;)
It's a good thing your website doesn't have a record option, because it would just be getting "AWWWWW" all night long! What a darling face!!! Love those eyes, and that true sad puppy pleading.
I am a 27 year old wife, friend, and mother. I am a take it one day at a time kinda gal. I love to have fun and capture memories. I believe that a positive attitude makes a postive life so have a great day and enjoy my blog :) Thank you for looking and taking an interest.
Oh my WORD! I just LOVE these. They make me scrunch up my face and say in baby talk to my hubby...."awwww...i want a puppy too!" Did he listen, no. But your photographs illcited a true human desire from me. Apparently he is immune to cuteness.
Mandy wrote my exact words that came out of my mouth when I first saw this pup. Oh my WORD! :) SOOO Cute. I love the last one. What kind of puppy? I must know....just because. ;)
Awww!!!!! Darling, puppy!
Oh my goodness!!!! Soooo cute!!
What a sweet little face!
It's a good thing your website doesn't have a record option, because it would just be getting "AWWWWW" all night long! What a darling face!!! Love those eyes, and that true sad puppy pleading.
OMG! What a completely adorable puppy! I love that last look he gave you!
That is the cutest puppy! What a sweet face. Awesome photo's!
Awwwww!! Look at those eyes!! What a precious pup!
What an adorable puppy - love the sad eyes - sooooo cute!
Those eyes and little pout - too too cute!
Oh what I sweet little puppy! Those eyes are just too much!
such a cutie!
Oh My Word...just look at that face! And, from what you've said, that sweetie already has you wrapped around his little finger, errrrr Paw. :)
Oh, my! Look at those eyes!! I just want to squeeze her tight and take her home! :)
Oh NOOOOO!!! I want to STEAL him!!! He is so insanely CUTE!!!!
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