I have been loving just taking some snapshots though. Like Blaze and his little shadow friend doing something he isn't supposed to (ok I granted permission this time, horrible mom)

Love, love this snapshot!

I even set up a little time just to play with my flash off camera for a bit (too lazy to drag out the bee)
Bad Boy Keats

Angel Keats

If it snows again tomorrow I might cry. Just sayin.
This has been a random post by Bobbi Sawyer.
Aw, your little one has so much personality! He's such a cutie!
Awwww, it looks like you've been making lemonade out of lemons :-) I'm sorry you've been stuck inside for so long though. Fingers crossed yu don't get any more snow!
YOu know it's been bad when you are reduced to Yoda... Love love that first shot of the K Man...he just keeps getting cuter. What a neat shot of Blaze and his shadow! Hope your snow stops. You guys have been hammered!
Glad you're feeling better but I'm feeling it with you on the snow. I am done with it! Come on spring. Your boys are such cuties!
Great shots! That one of Keats is adorable!
these are great! sorry you were sick and are now sick of snow. seems to be the general feeling. looks like you're amusing yourself quite nicely. those boys of yours get cuter every time I see them.
Love your randomness - and boy does the camera have a crush on that Keats. Bet Blaze really enjoyed the exception to the rule (but it looks like maybe that wasn't his first try!...hehe!).
Keats is darling :)! And my hubby would love it if Id take photos of starwars figurines! Nice captures! Yoda rocks!
Out of great frustration and boredom came great photo's!
So sorry you are getting more snow... but does make for fun photos!
great captures!!!
I love your randomness!
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