10 points to who can guess his name...

Hint he's yellow and the boys named him....

Could it be anything other than Kirk??! After the captain himself....love it!
We brought him home late (and completely unplanned but loved). Keats had fallen asleep on the couch and he woke up when we came in. He just kept looking at the dog and back at us like he couldn't believe it was real.

Blaze woke up much later to see him (no pictures, sad face :(). He loves him but as the much more cautious one he has to work his way up the level of infatuation Keaton has. Blaze is a bit afraid of the nipping.
Immediately after seeing the picture of Keaton above I broke down and got the much needed haircut.

Have I mentioned Keats loves this dog!

He is so stinking cute!! Look at those blonde eyelashes!

Welcome Kirk!
Oh my goodness! That is one adorable puppy!
Okay, your post almost makes me want a dog. He is too adorable! I'm sure your boys are going to have so much fun with their new friend! :)
Awwwww, Kirk is adorable! And I love Keat's new haircut.
Our boys are dying to come over and hang out with Kirk! :)
Hi from Two Peas! :) That puppy is too cute for words!
That puppy is just the sweetest fluffiest thing I've seen in a long time! I like the name you've chosen it and it goes well with Keats name to.
What an adorable puppy! Makes me want another dog. Great photo's!
Kirk is too adorable!!! And love his name too!!
Soooo adorable---both Kirk (perfect name) and Keat's new hair cut! I love the look on his face when he saw his new best bud, and the infatuation further down the post. Can't wait for some action shots with the boys.
Aww! What a cute puppy!
Cute haircut. . . . but now, I WANT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!----And it's all your fault ;)
He is BEAUTIFUL!!! I wish I could just cuddle him!! They are such awesome dogs!!!
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