These were just taken real quick at 1.4 because well I can now. I know that's not the the ap I will use most (or probably even often) but it's so nice to have as an option. It is super sharp and just feels so different.
My subject...erm I mean son... had just woken up from a nap and is in serious need of a haircut but I still think he is oh so cute.

I wasn't really worried about shadows or color here just taking some snaps to see what my new friend could do.
Keaton is so obsessed with Ghostbusters right now...I mean obsessed. They are almost always in his hands.

Even Blaze approves of the lens.

I love your new lens, too! You're rocking it already! Such awesome shots!
Congrats! The results are wonderful!
Oh my gosh--that is an awesome lens! Nice work Bobbi! I think you are going to rock it hard!
Love that lens work - and yep, that little fella is cute as punch - wild hair and all.
Haha, loooove that first one!
How fun...and lucky you! Looks like you and that lens are fast friends already :)
Congrats on the new lens! I love the "bed head" look:)
These are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
I loved that lens on my 40D so much...still do. Its a lot sharper on that camera for some reason...the full frame distorts too much I think. I love it though...its great for tight spots. You will not be disappointed, and your "subjects" are looking so enthused about mommy's latest lens purchase.
Wow! Congrats on your new lens - love the results!! And love the curling hair!!
Congrats your rockin that lense!!
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