He cracks me up daily.
Like this story for example.
He is pretty adamant about not liking girls for the most part. But he did tell me the other day about how he thought this lady in a Star Trek episode was really pretty. He told me he thought I was pretty too but I was his mom so he couldn't think I was "as pretty". He said, "I asked Dad if he thought she was pretty too and he said yes...he didn't mention you at all though. I must think you are prettier" Lol, I love how he totally threw James under the bus.
I rented a lens last week and when I picked Blaze up I asked if he could help me just test out the sharpness real quick. He said, "Wow I was just getting ready to ask you if you got any lenses in the mail today so I could help you test them?" Mmmmhmmm.
Either way here is the random picture, and the lens is sharp! Didn't even touch the eyes here. (it was the 70-200 f/4 is just in case you were wondering)

Whoa! Love the sharpness on that lens--those catchlights are awesome. I really enjoyed the article about James re: Star Trek. I am an original Trekkie--it came on on Friday nights, so I dated on Saturday nights. Pathetic.
I love those catchlights. They are unique, and oh so sharp! I hope the 2.8 is just as sharp, cause that's what I'm getting. Hmm, you're making me re-think here. I love your stories about Blaze. My mom says I should be writing those exact same things down of my own kids. They are priceless and so original!!
LOLOL about throwing James under the bus, what a classic story. That first picture cracked me up and now I want the 70-200 even more if that the4 IS vresion or non IS?
He is just too stinking cute!!! And they are so sharp!!!
LOL about James. Great catchlights. Bet you had fun using it.
He is a crack up. WOnderful captures! Love the eyes!
WOWZA on that lens. I also rented the f4 last year and I was shocked at how sharp it was. And Blaze is so kind to help you out for "testing". Hahaha. He is such a funny kid. I am glad he doesn't like too many girls yet...keep them away from him! (And I think you ARE prettier than the girl on Star Trek)
Wow - that last shot is amazing!! And that first shot cracked me up!! And what a sweet little guy!! He will have little girls running after him soon!
Just in case anyone was wondering, we were talking about Joan collins in "City On the Edge Of Forever".... and yes, I think Bobbi is prettier than her.
You just wait Blaze! I'll get you back...
That first shot is so much fun! And LOVE the sharpness of the last shot, beautiful! :)
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