It's a real thing. Several hours away from the kiddo I miss him like crazy. His kisses, the goofy way he dances, even the way he screams "Nooo!" and runs crying out of a room when he doesn't get what he wants. Something only a mother could love (and secretly ...ok not so secretly...laugh at)
It looks like it's about time for a haircut again, I wonder if I will cry uncontrollably again lol.
His hair does grow fast. We just took Dewey in for another haircut and he hated it. His poor haircut proves it:(
Man, it seems like he just got his hair cut! Are you going to document this cut, too? He is such a doll, Bobbi. I understand the withdrawal.
I love that those curls are sneaking back in again!
Ahh, Bobbi...he's the cutest! Love that sweet little smile!
You think YOU were having Keats withdrawals? I haven't seen his sweet face in, like, a gazillion years on your blog! He always makes me smile... he is just too too sweet. :)
That light is simply eatable. Lovely.
I posted dd's haircut yesterday- big trauma for a little girl!
Great B&W conversion! They get so big so fast!
He is SO cute...his hair sure did grow back fast! I always laugh at Mason when I'm not supposed to :)
Aww, he is so cute! I need to take Blakey for his first haircut and I don't want to! He'll look like a little boy then instead of my baby, sniff.
I love all his little folds. I'm behind on posts--the adultery smell cracked me up.
Oh those curls they kill me and your off to cut them again.
awww I love all of the things your missing! He sounds just like my daughter screaming and running from the room lol.. Great pic!
LOL! What a cutie....sounds like he has a flair for the dramatic. When my son was two or three and we didn't understand something he was trying to say, the biggest insult he could hurl at us was to call us a "not-knower!!" said in a very disdainful voice. LOL!
I can see why you miss him so much Bobbi! Awww....he hair is so adorable...Katie would love it. She is in a new hair pulling stage these days. Goody. I haven't cut Katie's hair cut yet, but I was thinking this week might me the time to do which time I will probably also be balling my eyes. out.
Love that the curls are back - he is too adorable!
He's adorable! My poor son...I cut his hair and I never do a very good job. It's just too much drama taking him to the salon.
I would go through withdrawls too! He is so cute, his hair grows really fast!
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