Little Miss Abbby is so stinking cute, she has some of the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. And she is turning one! It is amazing how fast time flys.
Here are a few pictures of her throughout her first year:
And here are a couple from the other day:
ETA color version per Pat's request :)
Happy early bday Abby, and thanks to your awesome parents for letting me photograph you throughout the year!
I am a 27 year old wife, friend, and mother. I am a take it one day at a time kinda gal. I love to have fun and capture memories. I believe that a positive attitude makes a postive life so have a great day and enjoy my blog :) Thank you for looking and taking an interest.
Such sweet photos!! Isn't it neat to watch them grown especially when they aren't your own. Very cool!
Cute cute cute! She's got gorgeous eyes!
How fun to be able to see her grow. I'd love to see that last BW in color, and see more of those baby blues!
WOW...what a doll!
She is a doll! You captured her well.
She is sooooooo adorable!!! Happy Birthday!
She is super stinkin cute and you did an excellent job in capturing that. Her eyes just sparkle in the last two. Nice work!
So sweet. Loved the purple shot of her sleeping. And you collage below is terrific!
Lots of ooey-gooey cuteness here!
she is just adorable! love all those pictures at different stages. so fun to look back and remember.
Great shots! Love the one with the Santa hat and also the last one. Little cutie!
OMG, she is so precious! Those eyes are to die for!
my goodness.... she is so adorable! how fun to be able to see her grow up in these pictures.
Boy, this sure illustrates how the first year of life shows the most change!
Oh my she is adorable. Great to see her grow up over the first year.
Sweet! She's adorable! The last one is my favorite.
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