Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Baby!

Taking a break from catching up to focus on my baby. He will be one soon and before I know it he will be five like my other one. I need to really savor this learning period. I need to take more pictures of him just doing his stuff and not worry about whether the background is distracting or if it is a perfect composition.

I love him so much!! Every time I seem him I want to squeeze his little cheeks in completely non-violent manner ;)

I love how his hair gets all crazy when he wakes up and I will not cut it! I don't know what it is about baby curls but I love them. My husband keeps telling me he needs a haircut and I say maybe after he turns one but probably won't happen :)

I love that he never cries when he wakes up in the morning...every single time we go to get him from his crib he is just smiling away.

I love his "Keets" voice that we made up as a family when we want to narrate what we think he might want to say...and how his brother really thinks that these are his thoughts and will answer them..."Hey best buddy you are the best brother in the world" said in the Keaton voice and then Blaze answers, "Thanks little buddy you are too" Seriously so cute.

Anyways I just love him!!



Kristina said...

Great shots. Gorgeous eyes :)

pakosta said...

those are precious!
and he is beautifuL!tara

Toni said...

OMG! Those pictures are so awesome. Geez, couldnt I come up with a better word? I absolutly love the conversions. Those imperfect pictures are my favorite. TOni

Mom2Drew said...

He's a cutie pie! Love that second shot, for some reason I like him in color--must be the eyes!

Danielle said...

He's adorable. I love your shots.

Val said...

Great eyes! Love the hair in the first one

Anonymous said...

These are all adorable! I love teh 2nd shot the best though!

pat said...

Big gorgeous eyes, dimples--could he be any cuter???

Debby said...

Oh my gosh, He is just the cutest! I can see why you want to squeeze his little cheeks.

Jess said...

He is the cutest thing! I love that messy hair and those BIG eyes!

Liz said...

OMGosh he is just the cutest! I love the color shot, his eyes look awesome in that photo.

Jennifer said...

What a cutie!! These are such great shots, his eyes are amazing!

Anonymous said...

His eyes are incredible. I like the storyboard

jordan.krogman said...

Awwwwww. . . look at him! I want to squeeze his cheeks in a non-violent manner, too! :)

For Over 29 Years... said...

Oh my gosh, those eyes are just delicious! I could just eat him up!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I totally love the bed hair picture. lol Super cute

Sharon said...

What an adorable imp! I love the wuzzled hair.

Kristi said...

Ok, he has to be the cutest baby I've ever seen! And his name...LOVE IT!!!

April Michelle said...

love the shots and he is a lovely little man!

mel said...

he's a doll! gorgeous eyes and love the bed-head hair - way too cute!

C said...

lovely pictures! he has such beautiful eyes!

Margaret said...

Beautiful shots. I love the conversions. His eyes are spectacular and that hair is awesome!

me said...

gorgeous shots!

Shannon said...

Aw! He's adorable! Love his hair!

Becky said...

Precious. I can see why you're so in love!

Lauren Hartman said...

What a beautiful boy, and I love the little things you posted about him!

Anita said...

What a cutie patootie!! Love his eyes too!!

Erika said...

Gorgeous pictures, and what a cutie!! Love them!

Tomboymama said...

Seriously adorable. Love his dimples. I wouldn't want to cut his hair yet either. Great set of pictures.

Jodi said...

Love taht messy hair picture!

Mandy said...

What outrageously beautiful shots. Really awesome.

Jen said...

What a cutie! Awesome pics!

April said...

those are such cute shots. he's gorgeous. i love the messy hair pic.

Tera Fraley said...

Lovely shots, hes a doll!! Love those eyes!! Great job!

Farrah Jobling said...

What a doll! Gotta love that little guy! So cute, so cute!

Lori said...

GORGEOUS - What breathtaking photographs!

About Me

I am a 27 year old wife, friend, and mother. I am a take it one day at a time kinda gal. I love to have fun and capture memories. I believe that a positive attitude makes a postive life so have a great day and enjoy my blog :) Thank you for looking and taking an interest.


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