While money isn't the most important thing in my life I certainly couldn't live without it. I enjoy having it no matter how brief -it is known that I have a serious shoping addiction. Every payday I will be found at the mall without fail. Is that bad? I am the type of person that has to have a new outfit if I am going out, even if it is just to the movies. This getting more into photography thing is going to hinder my clothes fund...hmm I might have to think about this ;)
I forgot I had my camera open wide when I took this pic so the money is blurred further back. I corrected for other shots but ended up liking this better. *Bonus* My music matches my blog- I rock!
Wow, I LOVE this shot. And not just b/c it's of money ;-) The dof is fabulous...
We all cant live without it and would have more if it werent for bills, LOL- very creative idea
I LOVE this shot too! It's fantastic! Love the music too! This version of the song reminds me of the movie Empire Records (which I LOVE) :O)
i really like this shot! i like the dof and the color. very fun.
This is a nice shot. I'm jealous that you get to them mall that often. But, like you, I like a new outfit when I go out too. Why not, right?
Great take on the theme!! I can't live without this stuff too...it's a love/hate relationship. Love the action/coloring you've got going on.
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